
Kata Mutiara

"Keberhasilan merupakan tetesan dari jeri-payah perjuangan, luka, pengorbanan dan hal-hal yang mengejutkan. Kegagalan merupakan tetesan dari kemalasan, kebekuan, kelemahan, kehinaan dan kerendahan"


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Cara membuat bootstrap dalam aplikasi baru menggunakan React


Cara membuat aplikasi baru menggunakan React

Buatlah Aplikasi React menggunakan terminal command line pada Software Visual studio Code  dan tekan Enter.

npx create-react-app my-app

my-app adalah nama folder tempat penyimpanan aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan react.

2.       Ubahlah direktori menuju nama folder yang telah dibuat dengan mengetik perintah cd+nama folder seperti dibawah ini. Kemudian tekan Enter.

cd my-app

Project Structure: kita berada dalam project direktori seperti yang kita telah berhasil membuat aplikasi react As  dan install package yang telah dibutuhkan. Setelah membuat aplikasi react , struktur proyek akan terlihat seperti pada gambar berikut.


3.  Pilih terminal nodejs pada command line terminal. Jika kita ingin menginstal bootrap di aplikasi react yang saja dibuat . Arahkan menuju folder direktori aplikasi yang telah dibuat . Disini nama foldernya adalah B:\my-app>.

npm install bootsrap

Bootstrap telah berhasil diinstall. Pilih folder dan version bootstrap yang diinstall dengan mengamati dalam folder node_modules.

Versi bootstrap yang telah diinstall dapat juga diamati di file package.json .

Filename: package.json

4.  Setelah install bootstrap, import  Bootstrap minified CSS file dan  Bootstrap JavaScript minified bundle file kedalam index.js dimana ada dalam  B:\my-app\src.

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min';


dua pernyataan diatas dibutuhkan didalam file index.js untuk mengimpor dependencies didalam file react supaya menggunakan kelas bootstrap di dalam React app component.

Filename: index.js

5.   Install popper.js dan jquery untuk menggunakan komponen javascript bootstrap. Untuk menginstall jquery dan popper.js silahkan buka terminal dalam folder my-app , ketik perintah berikut di terminal command line laulu tekan enter.

npm install jquery popper.js

setelah install import kedua dependencies ke dalam aplikasi React didalam case index.js . berikut kedua statement yang digunakan untuk mengimpor dependencies ini.

import $ from 'jquery';

import Popper from 'popper.js';


Filename: index.js

6.   Buatlah bootstrap sederhana sebagai contoh bootstrap button  didalam case nama file App.js.

FileName : App.js

7.       Run aplikasi React dengan mengetik perintah deploy pada command line terminal nodejs seperti dibawah ini

       npm start

8.       Setelah running server , kita akan melihat output layer  seperti dibawah ini.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Education is the most important thing in our life

 Education is the most important things in our life, this means that every human being is entitled to and expect to always evolve in education. In general, Education has meaning in the life of a process to develop themselves each individual to live and sustain life.

The high cost of a higher education is often an obstacle for many people to get a higher degree, especially for students from low-income families. Another reason for deciding do not continue their education to college when anybody from the family members of students who never attended college education.

Although these reasons are valid, one must understand that there are many benefits and importance of higher education as a better quality of life in the future. To better understand the value of higher education for the future, in my opinion, there are some of the main benefits of the importance of higher education.

1)      Certified or Diploma

Diploma and academic transcript as a bridge to the world of work. If you want to be the most flattering as an office employee at a company that has a  multi-storey building, the initial capital you are diplomas and academic transcripts, but there are still many who are unemployed wit GPA above 3 because it does not have the skill and experience. Diplomas are also helpful to make our parents proud and our capital to discuss marriage to the future in-law.


2)      The job opportunities

We can not deny that people who have a college degree is more valued and sought after in the job market compared to those who have just graduated from high school and even if the big companies recruit people, they will obviously choose those with a college degree.


3)      Progress in career

One of the benefits of higher education is that a person is far more likely to get a promotion and make progress in their chosen fields. A Higher degree makes a person more knowledgeable and encouraged to be creative.


4)      Income

Studies have shown that people who have higher levels of education attend to earn about 25 % more than those who have not.  The reason behind it is that people with professional degrees usually have deeper knowledge in their field, plus experience key has gained during their studies. This makes them easier to get a higher position.


5)      Self-esteem

When a person has knowledge. He has a weapon in his career. He will not only be a much happier person but might be very confident too. Happy people will be productive in the workplace and also good in his personal relationships.

Not only the person and his family were able to enjoy the benefits of education , the general public also is useful. Research has shown that the less educated would be more productive to commit a crime. With views of benefits, the get a college education is important


6)      Personality

Education degrees not only revolved around academics. A student participates in a number of extra-curricular activities during the years in college. He worked on a number of presentation and assignments. All this helps in the formation of one’s personality. The real fact is that higher education helps in increasing one’s knowledge, analytical and problem-solving skills.


7)      Consistency and Responsibility

Consistency is doing an activity continuously diligently and correctly without getting out of track or constraints that have been specified and in accordance with the word that has been leveled. Consistency is a human behavior to uphold a principle or establishment of everything that has been determined. Responsibility is man's consciousness of behavior or intentional act or not on purpose. The responsibility also means do as the embodiment of awareness of their obligations. The both are part of the personal development . When the lecture, consistency, and responsibilities will be honed when faced with various problems such as completing the tasks of lecturers and later on consistency and responsibility we will be indispensable in the world of office. But for me personally, these two things don not have to be obtained through the world of college.

8)      Knowledge and skill

Maybe only 10-25% of knowledge and skills gained from the lectures that will be useful in the world of work and entrepreneurship. Science that most can be found the internet. When you know how to seek knowledge on the internet, the knowledge you get will be larger than a college professor. To get a big skill takes a lot of experience success and failure. You can get the skill of working side (outside campus) and his own practice.

9)      Organization

When we have the experience organization, we also gain experience as management and leadership. To get a great experience in the organization through the world of office, NGOs, and community. There is benefit you join the organization such as first ,Increase knowledge. Knowledge of students grows not only by reading books and following the lectures of professors but also through the organization. If books and lectures may be more theoretical, participating organizations can pass the knowledge gained real world directly. People in the organization are frequently arranged activities associated with the community. Second, Expanding Network Sign organizational means for joining a network. Usually, they are joined in a container of the same organization brotherhood strong. When to follow and be certain steering committee, a member of the organization could be connected with other competent parties. Not surprisingly, children who are active organization has a lot of relationships of the class students to politicians and officials. Third , we have many friends The benefits most commonly perceived as participating organizations have many good friends are friends connected with organizations that followed or coming from another organization. If the focus of a lecture course, may be a known friend just a classmate and same lecture. However, it makes the organization a student will get to know more people and different kind of college campus. Fourth ,you have the ability to honed by meeting and discussing with many people, indirectly, a person's interpersonal skills honed. Students are busy college course and closed may be intellectually smart but poor in terms of social and communication with others. Organizing is a way hones and improves relations with various people with different characters. Fifth, Learning leadership, an organization is one way to develop the fundamentals of leadership in a person. Although the class is also no division performance as class president, treasurer, secretary and so on. Slightly different from the organizations where broader scope. With the division of labor based on the team, each member of the organization is honed confidence and in influencing others on purpose.



